Our first board meeting was a success

Last week, Alibi Investigations had its first official board meeting. There are incredible people on that board and they all gave thoughtful, considered advice on how we can take Alibi Investigations forward. It is an exciting time.

The first official board meeting of Alibi Investigations in action.

Our board features Ruona J. Meyer (Chair), Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, Nooshin Erfani-Ghadimi, Julian Rademeyer and Melissa Mbugua.

For more info on our board visit our blog post about them here.

To join our investigative podcasting community sign up at our Google Group. We currently have 118 active members from all across the African continent. They are busy receiving support and submitting stories.

We have over 20 investigative podcast series in some stage of development from the likes of Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Uganda.


First trailer for new series Asylum


We write for Nieman reports on assassinations in Africa