First training session a complete success

We are truly building a community at Alibi Investigations. Yesterday was the first official group training in Investigative Podcast Creation.

It was done remotely and brought in participants from Nigeria, South Sudan, Malawi, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya and others.

Our training covered how to select, conceptualise and script your investigative podcast. It also touched on skills you will need like audio editing and production.

From here the participants will move into one-on-one mentoring sessions where they will dig into their proposed investigations. With our help they will move towards producing their own investigative podcast series around their work.

It is not too late to become part of our growing community. Sign up by joining our Google Group:

We look forward to seeing where these stories go and the podcasts that are created.


We share our training and resources with everyone


We are putting a call out for a free training session - join our community